Can I specify the age, sex or number of years experience I want when advertising?

Usually no - you should describe the range of skills, abilities, experience and necessary qualifications you require.

Use wording such as 'demonstrated experience in...' or 'proven experience in...' rather than the number of years experience.

Any suitably qualified person should be able to apply.

If you think the job can only be done by someone of a particular age or sex you may need to apply for an exemption before advertising.

It's different if you are advertising for someone to work for you, but the work is not in connection with a business that you run - for example, if you are seeking someone to babysit your children or teach you to play the piano. In these situations, discrimination law does not apply.

Can I ask for a photo?

Yes - but ask yourself if this is really a job where a person's appearance is relevant.

A photo can give information about a person's age, sex race and sometimes disability. Making decisions based on any of these characteristics may leave you open to a complaint of discrimination.

Can I ask applicants if they are married or intending to have children?

You should only ask questions relevant to the job.

Discrimination on the grounds of marital status, pregnancy and caring responsibilities is unlawful. Questions like this may leave you open to complaints of discrimination.

Can I ask questions about a person's disability?

You can ask questions about whether their disability will affect their ability to do the job and what additional support or workplace adjustments are required.

This will help you gather the right information to judge the person's actual skills and abilities.

Can I ask if someone applying for a job has had a previous Return to Work claim?

It's better to ask whether they have any existing or prior injuries that might affect their ability to do the job.

This is because an applicant who answers 'yes' to the question - and is refused employment - could make a complaint of disability discrimination.

See Recruitment for more tips for employers.